Specialist center for caregiving relatives
Our specialist unit has many tasks. We organize specialist days and provide information for caregiving relatives. We network with politicians and other important people and offer training for professionals. Our aim is to improve support for family caregivers. We want to raise awareness of the various care situations.
We are committed to ensuring that caregiving relatives receive more recognition in society. Every two years, we organize the "Family Carers' Week". We do this to raise awareness of the important work these people do. The next week will take place in May 2026.
In Berlin, there are many services that can help caregiving relatives. It can be difficult to keep track of them all. But we would like to help you!
On our website www.angehoerigenpflege.berlin you will find a calendar of events throughout Berlin for caregiving relatives. There are information events, well-being days, relaxation training and nature experiences - there's sure to be something for you!
There's also the Digital Pilot. It shows you where you can find important advice centers and offers on the subject of care. You can also order helpful brochures from us.
Visit our website or give us a call to find out more about our work.
Fachstelle für pflegende Angehörige
Schenkendorfstr. 7, 10965 Berlin