Emergency numbers

General emergency numbers


Phone: 110

Fire department and emergency rescue service

Phone: 112

Medical assistance

Medical on-call service

Federal Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians
Phone: 116117
(nationwide free of charge, also from the mobile network)

Medical on-call service

Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Berlin
Phone: 030 310031

Dental emergency service

Passenger Dental Association Berlin
Telephone: 030 89004333

Poison control center Berlin

Phone: 030 19240

Patient transportation

German Red Cross Berlin
Phone: 030 19727

Addiction & Drugs Hotline

Phone: 01805 313031
Drug emergency service

Emergency service for people at risk of addiction and addicts Berlin e.V.

Phone: 030 19237

Veterinary emergency service, tape announcement to veterinary clinics

Veterinary Chamber Berlin
Phone: 030 83229000

Troubleshooting services

Gas, water, electricity

Berliner Wasserbetriebe
Telephone: 0800 2927587

Fault clearance service for gas faults (e.g. if there is a smell of gas)

Netzgesellschaft Berlin-Brandenburg
Telephone: 030 787272

VATTENFALL Electricity fault management

Crisis counseling/crisis intervention

Berlin Crisis Service
The Berlin Crisis Service provides fast and professional help in crises and emotional emergencies. Free of charge. 24 hours a day. At 9 Berlin locations, also in your area. Anonymously if you wish. By phone, in person and in acute situations on site.

Telephone numbers by district in the period from 16:00 - 24:00

• Mitte, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Phone: 030 39063 – 10

• Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
Phone: 030 39063 – 20

• Spandau
Phone: 030 39063 – 30

• Pankow
Phone: 030 39063 – 40

• Reinickendorf
Telephone: 030 39063 - 50

• Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Tempelhof-Schöneberg
Telephone: 030 39063 - 60

• Lichtenberg, Martä-Hellersdorf
Telephone: 030 39063 - 70

• Treptow
Telephone: 030 39063 - 80

• New oil
Telephone: 030 39063 - 90

Supra-regional on-call service for all regions

At night: 00:00 - 08:00 o'clock
Telephone: 030 39063 - 10
Weekends and public holidays: 08:00 - 16:00
Weekdays: 08:00 - 16:00

Social psychiatric services of the Berlin district offices

Counseling - help referral - crisis intervention
Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00
Telephone: 030 115

Pastoral care

Phone pastoral care
24-hour emergency call for the soul.
Anonymous. Competent. For crises and suicide risk.

Phone: 0800 1110111
Website: www.telefonseelsorge-berlin.de

Muslim counseling telephone

An emergency call for the soul - one conversation can open up worlds.
Anonymous and confidential.

Daily 08:00 - 24:00
Phone: 030 443509821
Website: www.mutes.de

Phone Doweria

Russian-speaking telephone counseling.
24 hours. Anonymous. Competent.
Phone: 030 440308454

Chat Doweria

Tuesday and Thursday: 20:00 - 22:00
Internet page: www.doweria-chat.de

Advisory services

Care in need

Counseling and complaints office for conflict and violence in the care of older people
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10:00 - 12:00
Telephone: 030 69598989
Website: www.pflege-in-not-berlin.de

Emergency service for those in need

Maltese emergency service for people in need of care in Lichtenberg and Spandau

Telephone: 030 348 003 111

Website: https: / / www.malteser.de / emergency service

Berlin Initiative against Violence against Women - BIG Hotline

The Berlin initiative helps women in cases of domestic violence.
Daily 09:00 - 23:.00
Telephone: 030 611 03 00
Website: www.big-hotline.de/node/57

AIDS counseling hotline

Anonymous telephone counseling Daily 16:00 - 22:00 Phone: 030 19411 Website: https://www.aidshilfe.de/telefonische-beratung

MANEO gay assault hotline and victim support

Psychosocial victim counseling | refugee work
Daily 17:00 - 19:00, otherwise answering machine
Phone: 030 216 33 36
Website: https://www.maneo.de/maneo-arbeit/opferhilfe

L-Support I Lesbian I Bi I Queer

Victim support for lesbian, bisexual and queer women affected by violence
Saturday and Sunday 17:00 - 19:00
Phone: 030 45 96 18 65
Website: https://www.l-support.net

LGBT* contact police

Clarification for all police-related questions with LGBTIQ reference
Telephone: 030 4664 979 444

More numbers

Silver telephone

Senior citizens will find an open ear to "just have a chat".
Daily from 08:00 - 22:00.
Phone: 0800 4 70 80 90
Website: www.silbernetz.de

Central Lost Property Office of the State of Berlin

Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe - BVG (bus, subway, streetcar)

Phone: 030 19449

Deutsche Bahn AG and S-Bahn Berlin

Have EC/Maestro cards or credit cards blocked

At the respective house bank or by
telephone: 01805021021
or blocking emergency call
telephone: 030 116 116