DigitalPact Age

DigitalPact Age

With the info boxes, Seniorennetz Berlin has been selected by the Digital Pakt Alter initiative of BAGSO (Federal Association of Senior Citizens' Organizations) as a place of learning and experience in Germany. At the locations, older people are primarily taught how to use a tablet and how to access the Seniorennetz Berlin platform.

The experience locations teach older people digital skills. In 2021 alone, over 6,000 senior citizens were trained at the first 100 Erfahrungsorten. Tablet and cell phone courses and support with communication were particularly popular.

The DigitalPakt Alter is a Germany-wide initiative. It is run by the BAGSO and the Federal Ministry for Senior Citizens. The aim is to help older people with questions about digitalization, smartphones and other devices. Older people are to be supported and shown the benefits of digital technology.