Care support centers Berlin
Care support centers Berlin
The care support centers in Berlin help people in need of care and their families. They provide free and independent advice on all questions relating to care. There are three advice centers in each of Berlin's districts.
Here are the most important points on which they provide advice:
- Information on care benefits: The care support points explain which benefits are available from the care insurance. These include, for example, care allowance or support with care. Whether at home or in a care home. They also help with the application process.
- Care levels and assessments: They explain how to apply for a care level and what you need to consider when applying for an assessment. If the care level is too low or the application is rejected, they provide support with appeals.
- Care planning: The advisors help you to find the right form of care. This can be at home, in day care or in a care home. They also arrange suitable care or support services.
- Financial support and relief: They provide information about financial assistance and offers that relieve the burden on relatives. These include, for example, short-term care or respite care.
- Home and aids: The care support points provide advice on adapting the home (for example, installing grab rails) and aids (for example, walking aids or care beds).
- Support for family caregivers: They provide information on services for family caregivers. These can be self-help groups, training courses and other help.
- Networking and referral: The advisors know many social and health services in Berlin. They can refer people to suitable services.
The advice provided at the care support points is intended for people in need of care and their relatives who require support with care and organization. The aim is to ensure the best help and care for everyone involved.