Info phone

Info phone - just ask

The bridge to the digital world

If you have questions about digital financial, bureaucratic, health or other topics, a call to the Silbernetz information hotline will help. The employees offer a sympathetic ear and answer your questions free of charge. On request, you can be referred to helpers in the neighborhood.

  • Where can I get household help?
  • I have a new smartphone, but I can't manage it.
  • I'm urgently looking for help with care.
  • I don't have enough money for admission and a café. Are there any affordable events near me?
  • Well, my ID card has expired; who can help me apply for a new one?

Contact us

030 / 544 533 0 533

Mondays to Fridays 9 am to 4 pm

and Saturdays 9 am to 1 pm

Together with Seniorennetz Berlin and Digital-Zebra, we are part of the GD:B strategy: Berlin - a smart city for and by senior citizens