Contact points for care
Care needs support
The Care Support Competence Center provides information on services to support care at home in Berlin. They are aimed at people in need of care and caregiving relatives.
Offers for support in everyday life
People in need of care with a care level who live at home are entitled to a relief amount. They can use this for simple support services. These services are called "offers for support in everyday life" (AUA services).
These include, for example:
- Individual and group care by trained volunteer helpers
- Household help, such as cleaning or shopping.
On the website of the Kompetenzzentrum Pflegeunterstützung you will find a database with all recognized offers in Berlin.
Contact points PflegeEngagement
Care self-help
Caring for a relative can change a family's life dramatically. Talking to other carers in a carer support group can help and relieve the burden. In active groups, relatives can, for example, go on an outing or do sport together. Find out more in our podcast. Competence Center Care Support: Care Self-Help Podcast
Volunteers support people in need of care and older people living alone. Conversations and walks are often very important for these people. Volunteers can also lead discussion groups. Information about volunteering at the contact points can be found here:
Neighbourhood initiatives
Older people and people in need of care often need help from their neighbors. The contact points promote such neighbourhood help and bring neighbors who are willing to help together with those in need.
Information events
Information is important for relief and change. The contact points offer events on the topic of care.
Contact us
Competence Center Care Support
Bismarckstr. 101, 10625 Berlin
Tel. 030/ 890 285 -32/ -34/ -36
Support organization
SELKO -Verein zur Förderung von Selbsthilfe-Kontaktstellen e. V.
Senate Department for Science, Health and Care
Landesverbände der Pflegekassen Berlin und Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V.